Working with Me

Chelsea smiling at the camera in front of the ocean

So many people enter my office with period problems & digestive concerns that have been occurring for years without ever seeking medical care, or feeling dismissed when they did seek care. At the same time, online advice makes people feel like they have to start a long list of supplements & restrict their diets to “balance hormones,” and support digestion. We are taught that every PMS symptom signals a major “hormone imbalance,” and food restriction is the only treatment for gut health. It’s confusing.

I want you to have more good weeks in the month, and feel supported without taking away the foods that you love.

Approach for Hormonal, Digestive, & Mood Concerns

Understand your hormones

  • Some investigation is often needed to understand hormones. This could be blood work, menstrual cycle tracking, and ovulation tracking. This will help us diagnose PMS, PMDD, PCOS, hypothalamic amenorrhea, perimenopausal changes etc.

  • Understanding the connection between your period and your symptoms will help us develop an individualized and evidence based treatment plan.

Food & hormones

  • Nutrition can be a great way to support your health. We will discuss foods that are helpful, but also your relationship with food, and overall eating patterns.

  • We are constantly surrounded by diet-culture messaging that makes you feel like you have to take certain foods out of your diet because they are “bad” for you. This just creates unnecessary stress and food restrictions. It’s time to break up with diet culture, and find more ease in your relationship with food.

Feelings, digestion & mood

  • There is a strong connection between mental health, hormones, and digestion.

  • It is important to discuss stress management and consider what your day-to-day life looks like. Do you sleep well? Do you eat regularly? Do you incorporate movement? Do you make time for joy & pleasure? Do you rest and practice mindfulness?